Global Citizenship magazine for schools

Taking action for climate

People all around the world are taking action for climate justice. This lesson pack takes a close look at different challenges and approaches ranging from the Amazon’s indigenous defenders to divestment campaigners in Glasgow.

Taking action for climate

Learners will become expert in one case study and present it to their peers, evaluating diverse actions. Along the way they will explore the data behind climate justice and concepts like the Global North and South and climate adaptation.

All the materials, created by the Quakers in Britain, can be accessed from their website. 

Download the resources

Professional Learning

Approaching the Israel and Palestine conflict

israel palestine

This webinar will provide space to reflect on teachers experiences of teaching difficult issues and how we can continue to hold space in our classrooms to respond to real world issues. Register for this free online webinar

Music and identity


A launch event for the new music element of Scotdec’s A’ Adam’s Bairns resource with a focus on anti-racism, identity and diversity through music. Find out more


prof elearning signposts

Scotland’s DECs provide a range of self-access e-learning modules covering a variety of Global Citizenship themes such as climate anxiety, conflict and anti-racism. Access the materials for free 

SIDA spring conference


This interactive, hybrid conference will explore how the sustainable development sector can bridge gaps in perception and inspire active participation across the civic and economic landscapes. Find out more

Signposts for Global Citizenship

Funded by oxfam logo Scottish Government