Global Citizenship magazine for schools

Results by theme

Encourage learners to explore the Sustainable Development Goals and think about which themes are most important to them. The activity is suitable for level 2 and upwards.

This activity explore the devastating environmental impact that cotton production has had on the Aral Sea in Central Asia.

Some exciting new projects are beginning to emerge which demonstrate how teachers are connecting the myriad elements of Learning for Sustainability in holistic and meaningful ways. Kenyan Connections is one such example. Catriona Willis, from Highland One World, finds out.

Claire Needler, from Montgomery DEC, looks at why we should all engage in setting the post-2015 agenda.

This activity helps pupil empathise with those whose homes have been flooded.

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Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month

Roma flag

June is a focus to celebrate the culture, heritage and contribution of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people to the UK. Find our more 

Refugee Week

Our home

This annual event runs between 17-23 June and celebrates the contribution of refugees to the UK while encouraging people to take a more positive look at asylum. Find out more 

Read the World

book cover

Check out the brand new fully updated fiction list on Signposts. With a focus on equality and diversity, you will find books for all learners.

World Ocean Day

world ocean day

Taking place on 8 June, this is a chance to celebrate the ocean and our personal connection to the sea. Get involved!

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