Global Citizenship magazine for schools

Random acts of kindness

Gail Stirling, Dundee City Council Education Officer (Literacy), shares how P6 at Ballumbie PS, Dundee were inspired by the book ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio through interviews with teachers and pupils.

Random acts of kindness

Mrs Flynn, Head-teacher

Q What has been your focus for the school as a whole this academic year?
A The school’s vision, values and aims are a main focus for the school on an annual basis. The values of Respect, Inclusion, Honesty, Fairness, Responsibility and Support are discussed regularly during assembly time to maintain a focus on skills for life. The study of ‘Wonder’ has been a focus for the P6 and P7 class as part of World Book Day.

Q What has struck you most forcibly about your pupils’ learning this year?
A From speaking to the children within the class, I have been struck by their determination to make our school a better place for everyone by carrying out their random acts of kindness. Their beliefs and passion to recognise the good in each other, celebrate individuality and promote inclusion have been heartening. We have been discussing taking this forward at whole school level and promoting little acts of kindness on a termly basis through whole school assemblies to share this good practice.

Miss Scott, class teacher

Q Why did you choose ‘Wonder’ as a book for your class to read?
A With a focus on anti-bullying, I wanted the children to think about differences in other people and to bring consideration of these differences to the forefront of their conversations.

Q Other than the book itself, did you use any resources?
A I found some inspiration for our wall display on Pinterest but in fact we made everything ourselves.

Q How will you build on the children’s learning?
A The pupils have learned to be more sensitive to the feelings of others. We have a Good Deed Jar and they like to share with others reports of how they have done something positive. It encourages caring. We also have a ‘Give a Compliment’ reminder in the classroom to help children to think about how to make someone feel better. For the future I would like to see the class applying their learning and I shall keep referring back to the story and how it made us feel and to keep encouraging them to show respect to others and always treat other people fairly.

P6 pupils

Q What did you learn from the book?
A No matter what you look like, it matters what you are inside.

Q Where does Auggie live?
A America.

Q Do you think his life is different from your life or is it like yours?
A We are the same because we go to school and we have family and we are sad some times.

Q How would you treat Auggie if you met him?
A With lots of respect and be a friend to him. Just as normal. Be happy.

Q What would you like to change in the world?
A People bullying anyone – and bullying the environment by dropping rubbish.

Q How can you share what you have learned?
A You can always be kind and be a friend.


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