Global Citizenship magazine for schools

Inspiring stories

Rosebank PS in Dundee, have worked with their local DEC to ensure that Learning for Sustainability is at the heart of their learning. This is how they did it.

Inspiring stories

Since moving to our new school building in August 2018 our staff and pupils have worked together with the wider community to ensure that social justice, children’s rights and Learning for Sustainability are at the heart of our learning.

Inspirational people

In partnership with the One World Centre in Dundee, our entire staff attended a 3-part CPD which enabled us to build out programme throughout the year. We gathered together initially to explore the children’s books written by Arun Gandhi and Bethany Hegedus. Books which are inspired by the life of Mahatma Ghandi. During the first session we Skyped with Arun Gandhi who spoke about the lessons he had learned from his Grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi. At the second session we worked through a philosophical enquiry using the book Grandfather Gandhi as the initial stimulus and explored ways in which this could be used in our school.

Learning through stories

At the third session we were joined by Education Officer, Moira Foster, and Library Information Officer Elaine Hallyburton, from Dundee, who had specifically curated an annotated and exciting list of fiction books with Learning for Sustainability themes.

We decided to purchase all the recommended books which are now being read and very much enjoyed in all of our classes with children aged from 5-11. Stories have really enabled out pupils to engage with a variety of themes and empathise with the diverse issues raised.

Sharing learning

To showcase our work we recently hosted an open afternoon which was attended by our MSP Shona Robison, our Lord and Lady Provost, Education Support Officers, One World Centre staff and management committee members and teachers from our cluster secondary school. Our school Glee choir sang, we provided Fairtrade refreshments and the children displayed and described their learning. Our children delighted in being able to answer all of the questions they were asked because they were knowledgeable and confident in talking about the work they had done.

When our P2 pupils, inspired by the children they had seen playing in the Failte Malawi resource pack, worked to make their own footballs using recycled materials, they had great fun seeing how their creations responded when they tested and played with them in the gym.

For our P7 pupils, Inspiring Purpose was the ideal project to assist them in writing their personal statements by exploring their own character, ideals and values. This was an opportunity to reflect on who they are and what they want to achieve in life. Their thoughtful, considered responses to this project were a joy to see.
With attainment high on our agenda, practical activities are naturally built into numeracy and literacy and across all curricular areas as part of everyday learning. As our pupils tell everyone, “Global Citizenship is not a subject. It’s just what we do!”

Find your local DEC and the support they can offer 


Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month

Roma flag

June is a focus to celebrate the culture, heritage and contribution of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people to the UK. Find our more 

Refugee Week

Our home

This annual event runs between 17-23 June and celebrates the contribution of refugees to the UK while encouraging people to take a more positive look at asylum. Find out more 

Read the World

book cover

Check out the brand new fully updated fiction list on Signposts. With a focus on equality and diversity, you will find books for all learners.

World Ocean Day

world ocean day

Taking place on 8 June, this is a chance to celebrate the ocean and our personal connection to the sea. Get involved!

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