Global Citizenship magazine for schools

Results by theme

Highland and Speyside Mock COP showcases pupil voice and activism and provides an engaging way into better understanding the climate emergency.

Published in Schools

The 1.5 Max Global School’s Climate Summit was transformational for the young people and facilitators involved. Bell Baxter High School in Fife explains how.

Published in Schools

Catriona Crawford, teacher at Portobello High School, urges leaders to listen to young people’s voices and understand their frustrations.

Published in Schools

David Innes, GTCS Convener and vice chair of ‘Aberdeen for a fairer world’, offers a brief guide to the standards and highlights the important role Scotland’s five DECs have in supporting professional learning in this area.

Published in Features

Developing critical thinking around global issues is central to developing global citizens. This is a simple, easy-to-remember framework which can provide a focus for work on issues.

Published in Activities

Build Global Citizenship into your existing curriculum using this simple framework. This planning framework can be used to develop Global Citizenship through the teaching of almost any topic.

Published in Activities

A great way to deepen learners understanding of an issue while developing critical questioning techniques.

Published in Activities

A visual way of structuring an enquiry while supporting critical questioning.


  • Structure an enquiry exploring cause, effect and solutions
  • Support the development of critical questions around an issue

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