Global Citizenship magazine for schools

Learning from Livingston

This is a new collection of classroom activities from David Livingstone Birthplace Museum produced in collaboration with Wosdec.

Learning from Livingston

Taking an anti-racist critical lens, the resource uses Livingstone, as a conduit to explore recontextualising history and how what happened then, informs today’s contemporary issues. These lessons aim to provide practical support for teachers and learners in taking a critical look at this aspect of Scotland and Britain’s colonial history.

The materials are aimed at teachers and educators working with Third and Fourth Level or Senior Phase (Secondary 1-6) students. Within the interactive PDF, there are three sections relating to Livingstone’s three separate expeditions across central and southern Africa. Each section contains two activities that focus on a specific theme from that expedition’s timeline. Each activity has all instructions, material and worksheets necessary to undertake it and is linked to the curriculum

Discussing racism can be challenging. Where it comes up within these activities, the resource aims to provide teachers with the context and tools to facilitate this in an open and constructive manner. Learners will:

  • Discuss how racism has played a role in what history is taught.
  • Practice looking critically at sources and historical material.
  • Learn about and investigate this history in a way that amplifies under-represented African individuals’ perspectives and stories.
  • Reflect on positionality, privilege and power, and be supported to unlearn unconscious bias, prejudice and divisiveness.

View the interactive pdf here

Professional Learning

Exploring our Diversity


Explore the resource ‘A’ Adam’s Bairns?’ a refreshed digital educational tool to support learning around Anti-Racist Education, Scottish identity and diversity. Book your place

Playful Global Citizenship


What do we mean by Global Citizenship and what does it look like at Early Level? Provocation, strategies and resources to support your practice. Book your place

Secondary Showcase

secondary showcase

Delivered in partnership with teachers, this webinar will showcase classroom practice and whole school approaches to LfS which have impacted on the knowledge, skills and values of learners. Book your place

Disability Literacy

disability literacy

Drs. Clare Uytman and Sian Jones will share their research and the educational resources they have created designed to directly tackle representation and understanding of disability through play and imagination. Book your place  

Signposts for Global Citizenship

Funded by oxfam logo Scottish Government